Translators and Interpreters providing help for Ukraine

As the war in Ukraine now enters its fourth week and the scale of the human and physical tragedy unfolds, we are all left asking why is this happening in the 21st Century, and what can we do on a personal level to help the innocent victims of this war and to alleviate their suffering? As reported widely in the media, Poland has been at the frontline when it comes to welcoming and hosting escaping refugees, with millions of ordinary citizens offering their time, homes and resources to provide support, security and shelter.

As translators and linguists we can offer our invaluable help at this time, for language barriers are and will be a major obstacle for refugees who are now trying to make a new home and future in Poland. The need for translation will be greater than ever. At Lacrosse we are supporting an initiative of Polish associations of translators and interpreters aimed to provide linguistic assistance to people affected by the war in Ukraine. The website contains an extensive list, updated daily, of volunteer linguists who are ready to offer their services at this time of huge challenges for all of us.

You can find out more here, and we encourage you to share this information among your friends, colleagues and contacts: