Want to be a Translator? – Language Skills Alone Are Not Enough

In today’s fast-based, tech-driven world a translator needs skills that go beyond having the ability to translate a text between languages. Translators need familiarity with different CAT (Computer Assisted Translation) tools, being required to work collaboratively online with others on projects, they need to understand the importance of client-relationship management whether with LSPs (Language Service Providers) or direct clients, and to stay on top of matters of billing and the different ways of settling for their work – words, lines, pages or time!

In cooperation with Vistula University, we organised earlier this week a webinar on working in an LSP for undergraduates. Our aim was to showcase for future language services workers what day-to-day work at Lacrosse is like, what skills and traits are valued that will help guarantee fruitful cooperation and the efficient and timely organisation of translation projects.