The Lacrosse Way

We’re Lacrosse. We’re Experts in Translation. We don’t play lacrosse, and we certainly don’t teach it. But we think the sport, a skilful fast-moving team game developed in Canada in the 1700s from a competition traditionally played by the Mohawk people, has much to teach us about delivering business services.

Mohawks, athletes and translators?

The key components of success in lacrosse players (taken from a great article on transfer well to business and to our own skill set at Lacrosse Experts in Translation.


“Nothing beats speed! You are either blessed with it, enhance what you have, or fall by the wayside.”

Lacrosse Experts in Translation clients need fast turnaround. In practice this means we receive documents at the end of a business day that may have to be filed the next day, or returned the very same evening.


“The most successful players in the world are supremely optimistic and passionate about their sport, and all aspects of life for that matter! They are always positive, take pride in what they do and never give up!”

People, not companies, order translations, so the customer experience with Lacrosse matters hugely. We know that a delayed or a defective translation would affect the customer personally. This also means that while we strive to meet your expectations, we won’t over promise.


“Elite athletes are rarely satisfied with their game and continually practice to refine their skills. They are hard workers and hold themselves to a high standard!”

We engage translators who are the best in their field, who have often worked at leading law firms or international companies. Refining skills in a changing environment and being on top of terminology and technology are essential components of our success. Meeting tight deadlines frequently means working outside normal working hours for days at a time.

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